3 Things to Know About Mag Wheel Repair in Sydney

Wheel Alloy Wheels Rim or Mag Wheel high performance auto part decoration

Damaging a rim can be as simple as rubbing up against a kerb, misjudging a parking spot or hitting a bump in the road. It may seem like a minor inconvenience but, all of a sudden, there you have it: a black mark on your shiny alloy wheel which requires a mag wheel repair.

It’s certainly enough to ruin any car enthusiast’s day; they’ll be in a rush to get the unsavoury mark repaired. But the average punter has nothing to worry about? Right?


What appears to be a minor scuff or ugly mark can actually be something far more sinister. Because when it comes to mag wheel damage, it goes beyond the aesthetics.

A damaged or bent rim is generally not safe to drive on without putting yourself, your passengers and other road users in potential danger. For this reason alone, it’s important to watch out for warning signs and be prepared to enlist the help of a professional if needed.

So, what do you need to know about mag wheel repairs?

It doesn’t cost as much as you think.

Well, it shouldn’t cost as much as you think.

You might be thinking to yourself: a minor scratch is awful to look at but is it really worth the cost of an expensive repair? But rest assured, getting your alloy wheel fixed will cost less than it would to replace it.

A bent rim can cause you far more grief. It can leave you with a flat tyre, or even a blowout if you’re driving at a higher speed. Getting your rim fixed by a specialist will prevent further damage to both the rim and your vehicle, saving you money over the long run.

Not only is it cheaper to fix a rim than replace it but getting a repair will allow an industry expert to check over your car, ensuring no further damage has been done.

If you notice vibrations you may have a problem.

If you can’t see any visible cracks on your rims, a vibration running through your car could be a sign that you’re driving with a broken alloy wheel.

While scuff marks alone can’t always reveal the damage that has been done, the sudden feeling of vibrations when you’re driving is a sure-fire way to know you’ve damaged a rim or alloy wheel. Your car shouldn’t be shaking if there is no damage to your mags.

If you’re feeling an unnatural vibration when you drive it’s a sign that you should see an expert and find out if you need to get your rims repaired.

Repairs should be done by a professional.  

As much as we all like to think we’re handy on the tools, fixing a rim is best left to the professionals.

While YouTube videos may tell you it is easy to DIY your own mag wheel repair, it is quite simply not the case.

Repairs need to be done by a professional to ensure the rim is fully restored and an exact colour match of the alloy wheel.

Failure to do this could severely impact the value of your car and cost you more money in the long run than a repair would.

So, whether you’re a car fanatic or it’s your daily drive, the friendly team at Bumpertek Sydney are happy to help if you have an inkling your mag wheels need a repair. Follow the link to find out more about our alloy and mag wheel repair service or contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.